Jharkhand ITI Government College List:- यदि आप झारखण्ड के सरकारी कॉलेज से ITI Course करना चाहते है और Jharkhand ITI Government College List सर्च कर रहे है तो आप बिलकुल सही वेबसाइट में आये है। जी हाँ दोस्तों Jharkhand ITI Course में Admission लेने से पहले आपको ये जानकारी होना चाहिए की झारखण्ड के कुल कितने Goverment ITI College है। Jharkhand ITI में एडमिशन लेने के लिए कोई भी परीक्षा (Entrance Exam) नहीं देना होता है। Jharkhand ITI Course में एडमिशन आपके 8वीं एवं 10वीं कक्षा के अंक के आधार पर मेरिट लिस्ट तैयार कर कॉलेज में एडमिशन दिया जाता है।
आइये आज की इस Article में हम आपको झारखंड में जितने भी Goverment ITI College है उन सभी कॉलेजों का नाम एवं पता और कौन से जिला में कितना Government ITI College है इसके बारे में बतालाने वाले है।
Jharkhand ITI Government College List
SL No. | Name of Institute | Distict Name |
1 | Govt. Industrial Training Institute, Chandankiyari | Bokaro |
2 | Govt. Industrial Training Institute, Bokaro | Bokaro |
3 | Govt. Industrial Training Institute, Simaria | Chatra |
4 | Govt. Industrial Training Institute, Deoghar | Deoghar |
5 | Govt. Industrial Training Institute, Madhupur | Deoghar |
6 | Govt. women Industrial Training Institute, Deoghar | Deoghar |
7 | Govt. Industrial Training Institute, Dhanbad | Dhanbad |
8 | Govt. Industrial Training Institute, Baghmara | Dhanbad |
9 | Govt. Industrial Training Institute, Govindpur | Dhanbad |
10 | Govt. Industrial Training Institute, Dumka | Dumka |
11 | Govt. Industrial Training Institute, Jarmundi | Dumka |
12 | Govt. Industrial Training Institute, Saraiyahat | Dumka |
13 | Govt. women Industrial Training Institute, Dumka | Dumka |
14 | Govt. Industrail Training Centre for Women, Jameshedpur | East Singhbhum |
15 | Govt. Industrial Training Institute, Jamshedpur | East Singhbhum |
16 | Govt. Industrial Training Institute, Ghatsila | East Singhbhum |
17 | Govt. Industrial Training Institute, Bahragora | East Singhbhum |
18 | Govt. Industrial Training Institute, Patamda | East Singhbhum |
19 | Govt. Industrial Training Institute, Garhwa | Garhwa |
20 | Govt. Industrial Training Institute, Bhandariya | Garhwa |
21 | Govt. Industrial Training Institute, Jhargratand | Garhwa |
22 | Govt. Industrial Training Institute, Giridih | Giridih |
23 | Govt. Industrial Training Institute, Bagodar | Giridih |
24 | Govt. Industrial Training Institute, Dumri | Giridih |
25 | Govt. Women Industrial Training Institute, Giridih | Giridih |
26 | Govt. Industrial Training Institute, Sundarpahari | Godda |
27 | Govt. Industrial Training Institute, Gumla | Gumla |
28 | Govt. Industrial Training Institute, Ghaghra | Gumla |
29 | Govt. women Industrial Training Institute, Gumla | Gumla |
30 | Govt. Industrial Training Institute, Hazaribagh | Hazaribagh |
31 | Govt. Industrial Training Institute, Barhi | Hazaribagh |
32 | Govt. Industrial Training Institute, Churchu | Hazaribagh |
33 | Govt. Women Industrial Training Institute, Hazaribagh | Hazaribagh |
34 | Govt. Industrial Training Institute, Jamtara | Jamtara |
35 | Govt. Industrial Training Institute,Karmatanr | Jamtara |
36 | Govt. Women Industrial Training Institute, Khunti | Khunti |
37 | Govt Industrial Training Institute, Lokai | Koderma |
38 | Govt Industrial Training Institute, Chandwa | Latehar |
39 | Govt. Women Industrial Training Institute, Latehar | Latehar |
40 | Govt. Industrial Training Institute, Mahuwadanr | Latehar |
41 | Govt. Industrial Training Institute, Lohardaga | Lohardaga |
42 | Govt. Industrial Training Institute, Kuru | Lohardaga |
43 | Govt. Women Industrial Training Institute, Lohardara | Lohardaga |
44 | Govt. Industrial Training Institute, Pakur | Pakur |
45 | Govt. Industrial Training Institute, Daltonganj | Palamu |
46 | Govt. Industrial Training Institute, Chatarpur | Palamu |
47 | Govt. Industrial Training Institute, Hussainabad | Palamu |
48 | Govt. Industrial Training Institute, Satbarwa | Palamu |
49 | Govt. Industrial Training Institute (Welfare), Ranchi | Ranchi |
50 | Govt. Industrial Training Institute (General), Ranchi | Ranchi |
51 | Govt. Women Industrial Training Institute, Ranchi | Ranchi |
52 | Govt. Industrial Training Institute, Sahebganj | Sahebganj |
53 | Govt. Industrial Training Institute, Kharsawan | Saraikela Kharsawan |
54 | Govt. Industrial Training Institute, Simdega | Simdega |
55 | Govt. Women Industrial Training Institute, Simdega | Simdega |
56 | Govt. Industrial Training Institute, Gua | West Singhbhum |
57 | Govt. Industrial Training Institute, Chaibasa | West Singhbhum |
58 | Govt. Women Industrial Training Institute, Chaibasa | West Singhbhum |
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- All Government B.Ed College list in Jharkhand
- All Government Polytechnic College List in Jharkhand
- E-Kalyan Jharkhand Last Date 2023
- Jharkhand ITI Government College List
Admission Process of Jharkhand Government ITI Colleges
झारखंड के किसी भी सरकारी आईटीआई कॉलेजों में नामांकन लेने के लिए सबसे पहले आपको J.C.E.C.E Board के तरफ से आयोजित Jharkhand I.T.I Entrance Form भरना होगा। उसके बाद सभी अभियर्थिओं का बोर्ड के तरफ से मेघा सूचि (Merit list) जारी किया जाता है। जो सूचि तैयार की जाती है वो आपके योग्यता के आधार पर बनाया जाता है तथा योग्यता के आधार पर ही आपको All Over Rank दिया जाता है। तत्पश्चात काउंसलिंग ली जाती है जिसमे आपके रैंक के आधार पर इन कॉलेजों में नामांकन के लिए आपको College & Trade दिया जाता है। अगर आपका रैंक अच्छा है तो आपको सरकारी आईटीआई कॉलेजों में Admission मिल जाएगी।
Important Documents For ITI Admission
- Mark sheet of 10th/12th.
- 10th Passing Certificate.
- Residential Certificate.
- Caste Certificate (Not for UR Category).
- Physical Fitness Certificate.
- College Leaving Certificate.
- Migration Certificate.
- Allotment Letter of Counseling.
- Aadhar Card.
- 4 Passport Size Photos.
Some Information About Jharkhand ITI Government College List
Article Name | Jharkhand ITI Government College List |
Category | Admission |
Name of Course | ITI (Industrial Training Institute) |
Course Duration | 2 Years. |
Name Of State | Jharkhand |
Total No of Govtement ITI College | 58 |
Official Website | https://iti.jharkhand.gov.in/ |
Telegram | Join Now |
तो दोस्तों उम्मीद करता हु की Jharkhand ITI Government College List इस आर्टिकल से आपको ITI Government College List के बारे में पूरी जानकारी प्राप्त हुआ होगा अगर इसके बाद भी आपके मन में कुछ सवाल है तो आप निचे कमेंट करके पूछ सकते है धन्यवाद।